Thursday, February 9, 2017

Breakin' Arms and Takin' Names

It comes up in Fiore's manuscripts several times - the old man likes to break arms.

Since he says that he has done these things, and that they are reliable, Lets take that grain of salt and take a hard look at them.

Now, in modern terms, knife fights are ugly, nasty things in which the opponent usually comes at us hard, fast, and from concealment and surprise. Stopping the knife is of course rather high priority.

So how do we do this and then set up one of the old man's fancy arm brakes when the other guy is resisting you?

Well - lets "Break" it down. Hah.


Step one: Stop the knife with Prejudice. My working concept is that all strikes are parries and every parry is a strike. It is vital that you abate the pressure of your foe's attack. do that by hurting said foe.

Step two: Reverse the flow of pressure. You were being attacked. Now YOU are the attacker. The video will show this better, but use what ever tools are needed. Punch, Kick, Go get'em. Scare'em

Step three: Go for it. this kind of action does not brook hesitation. grab that arm, and get under it before your subject see what line you are attacking. It the enemy thinks you are going for some kind of akido attack, this is good, as you want them to try to recover the arm from you. this only helps you move t behind them.

Step four: In training, there is no step four. Fiore says train with compassion. If you are doing so, then we're done here. To pull the arm all the way down and brake it would be to add Malice, which we must reserve for battle.

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